748 Wallace Avenue
Wilkinsburg, Pennsylvania 15221
(412) 241-3556
Partner Directory
Christian Church of Wilkinsburg
2020-21 Mission & Ministry Grant
Generation to Generation: Sharing Stories to Save the Next Generation
Teaching young adults to interview and share the stories of hope amid systemic racism.
At-Risk Children and Youth and Older Adults
Innovation Grant, $10,000
2017-18 Mission & Ministry Grant
Wilkinsburg Youth Collaboration Focused on Life Skills and Arts Engagement
Wilkinsburg Youth Collaboration Focused on Life Skills and Arts Engagement is geared towards middle and high school youth on Saturday evenings, when there are no other alternatives. Our program focuses on engaging youth with volunteer mentors through recreation, gaming, and life skills development from watching 15 to 25 minutes of movie clips. This is followed by a discussion on how the situation that was viewed could have played out. These engaging conversations and role-playing activities provide youth with an alternative ending or opportunity to discuss what could have been different or how they could have resolved a conflict. These conversations are meaningful and often end up with youth talking about how they will try that next time. In addition, youth eat a full dinner while at the church, which for some is their only meal on the weekend.
Mission Area: At-Risk Children and Youth
Innovation Grant: US $10,000