Director of Young Adult Leadership Development

Bere Gil Soto

Rev. Bere Gil Soto serves as the solo pastor at Iglesia Hermandad Cristiana, a multicultural Latino and Disciples of Christ congregation in Indianapolis, Indiana. At NBA, she serves as the Co-Convener of our Multilingual Latin@ Pastors & Leaders Peer Learning and Wellness Group.

Bere believes that God has created us and continues calling us all to live a life of plenitude and that it can only be achieved through community and synergy. Therefore, her ministry—whether in preaching, teaching, serving as community liaison, or as an advocate—reflects a commitment to care holistically for God’s children, and to accompany them in their liberation journey towards plenitude.

Bere has a Master’s of Divinity and a Master’s of Arts in Marriage and Family Therapy, both from the Christian Theological Seminary and an undergraduate degree in Psychology from Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí in México.

Getting to Know Bere

Why do you feel “called to care” about Disciples health and social service ministry?

Ministry goes beyond a four-walled building or a pulpit, ministry is caring. However, one of the most overlooked ministries tends to be those “nontraditional” ones that do not fit in the preaching or church category; nonetheless, I think sometimes they can be the most impactful ones. When I think of Jesus’ ministry, I am reminded that before preaching he fed the people, or before healing he built relationships. From the First Testament to the Gospels and Letters, I can see a God calling me, calling us to care. From not getting the whole crop to leave something for others, to let my actions speak of my faith.

Who is a hero of yours and why?

This is a hard answer because I admire so many folks, but one that I’d consider a hero of mine, or shero may I say, is Dr. Elsa Tamez—a Mexican and Methodist Liberation Theologian. Dr. Tamez is not only a brilliant mind but a committed woman to her values on justice. She’s written many books and articles highlighting the often misinterpreted view on Scriptures that leads to perpetuating oppression in the name of God. She is not afraid of taking public stands when needed, even if it means losing some credentials in order to stand against war and violence.

I want to share with you my favorite quote of hers: “God’s silence is mysterious…When God speaks all the time, people become deaf. They don’t hear the cry of the poor and of those who suffer. They become full; they no longer walk and hope. They don’t dare to do anything. They no longer endure. God remains silent so that men and women may speak, protest, and struggle. God remains silent so that people may really become people.”

If I tried to find you in a supermarket, what aisle would you be in?

Well, as of lately, you would find me at the parking lot waiting for my pick-up order. However, in non-pandemic times, it would all depend on the store. For example, if it is my favorite store (the red circle one), you could find me skimming the clearance section, because there is always something cool that I did not know I wanted and at a low cost! Or if it was my second favorite store, the one of the trader guy, you would find me in the back chatting with the coffee sampling person–yum!