Webinar: The Prison Abolition Movement

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Former St. Louis NBA XPLOR Residents Reflect on the Novel Coronavirus

Residents from the St. Louis XPLOR House chose to stay in the house until the end of their residency. They’ve shared how it felt when they first heard about the novel Coronavirus and what the remainder of their time in the XPLOR program was like.

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Videos from Grantees Show the Nationwide Impact of the COVID-19 NBA Response Grants

Grant recipients from Cycle One have shared with us in stories, videos, and photos the impact these grants have made of their ministries. Here are four organizations that received funding from the NBA in Cycle One.

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How Two NBA Staffers Spent the Weeklong Pause

After NBA's weeklong pause, staff members Brittany King and Rebecca Hale came together to discuss the week of rest, what it meant to them individually, and offered some perspective on how other organizations considering a similar pause could do the same.

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Helping Homeless Families Through a Pandemic: How Family Promise Adjusted Their Program’s Congregational Model Due to COVID-19

Although the COVID-19 crisis forced Family Promise to drastically change its Emergency Shelter program, they were able to with the help of a COVID-19 NBA Response Grant. Read about how they're adapting to these times.

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3 Myths of Suicide and How the Church can Address Them

There are several myths about suicide that, at one point in my life, I believed.

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Artistic Expression as a Form of Resilience

Residents created art as a way to navigate their feelings in adapting to life under social distancing.

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How Hiram Christian Church Faithfully Used the COVID-19 NBA Response Grant

When news of the COVID-19 pandemic began to emerge, a small group of concerned members of Hiram Christian Church (HCC) gathered to prayerfully discern how the church could offer care to the community through this time. This is what came of those meetings.

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NBA XPLOR Announces Hiatus for 2020-21 Program Year

After considerable discernment, the National Benevolent Association (NBA) has made the difficult decision to place our young adult residential program, NBA XPLOR, on hiatus for the 2020-21 program year.

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NBA Board of Trustees Meets Virtually, Reflects on Racial Justice, Coronavirus

Members of the Board of Trustees for the National Benevolent Association of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) met June 4–5, 2020, for their Spring meeting.

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