Posts by NBA
NBA Disciples Mission Fund Resources for Easter Offering
Health & Social Service Partner New Communion Reflects on the Impact of Working with NBA
As New Communion’s time as an Incubate Partner came to an end, we spoke with David Harrison to learn more about the organization, how it’s changed throughout its partnership with NBA, and what it has meant to have the support of the organization over the last several years.
NBA Welcomes the first Full-Time Senior Justice Coordinator with Plans to Expand Social Justice Work
We are excited to announce the newest member of our staff and the justice work they'll be involved in.
Steward Your Self Care: A Self-Care Plan and Coloring Book
There is never a bad time to start (or update) your self-care practice. Start creating yours with the help of this guide!
NBA Grants More Than $170,000 to Fall 2023 Mission & Ministry Grantees
We are pleased to announce our Fall 2023 Mission & Ministry Grant recipients!
Love is an Action Word: A Discussion on Reproductive Justice
NBA Board Meets and Affirms Bold Visions and Ministries
The Board of Trustees of the National Benevolent Association of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) met November 9 – 11 at Community Christian Church in Kansas City, Missouri.
Connection & Care: A Recap of NBA’s Mental Health Professionals Conference
NBA’s Mental Health & Wellness program brought together therapists from across the country for our first in person conference exclusively designed for mental health professionals.
Operation BookBag
Fort Worth, TX—Operation BookBag offers youth tools to address mental health and wellness and life skills to become positive, productive adults.