Posts by NBA
NBA Launches New Mission & Ministry Grant Program
NBA is launching a new Mission and Ministry Grant Program to support Disciples projects and ministries working with older adults and at-risk children and youth across the life of the church.
NBA Board of Trustees Meets in St. Louis, Celebrating 130 Years of Ministry
The Board of Trustees for the National Benevolent Association of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) met together June 8-10 in St. Louis, MO, for their Spring 2017 in-person meeting.
SoulCare: A Moment to Pause and Process
Board Fundraising eGuide
CEOs were asked to grade their orgs’ board in 10 different areas. Fundraising received the lowest score.
Benefiting from Board Diversity
Board members have a surprisingly demanding and varied job to do.
It’s Stressful Out There – Take Care of Yourself!
Finding Direction
The NBA Incubate SENT Seminar gave us an opportunity to work with other ministerial entrepreneurs, church leaders, and marketing and fundraising experts who helped us determine a direction towards a goal we have imagined.