Central Christian Church Disciples of Christ
New Albany, IN—Providing meals and fellowship for residents at Muir Manor low-income apartment complex.
New Albany, IN—Providing meals and fellowship for residents at Muir Manor low-income apartment complex.
Memphis, TN— Creating an Ecommerce business incubator for young adults to explore their passions and serve older adults in their community.
Lawrenceville, GA—Providing leadership and social-emotional training, academic coaching, and civic engagement opportunities for youth by older-adult mentors.
This webinar explores the importance of considering the employment of people who are returning from our prisons and jails and those who are in recovery.
Shoes don’t just make an outfit, they can say a lot about a person, where they’ve come from or where they’re headed.
We sat down with Dr. Norma Ellington Twitty and Rev. Monica Wedlock Kilpatrick for a dynamic conversation about NBA’s history, equity and inclusion, leadership, and the importance of NBA both inside and outside the walls of the church.
Read about the impact of NBA’s Executive Leaders Peer Learning & Wellness Group.
Participants in the 2020 Seminar experienced online education on the importance of impactful work in our communities, as well as lessons on how to plant and grow new faith-rooted social enterprises.
Over the last few months, we’ve added several new faces to our team. Get to know them!