Our Mid-Year Update
Halfway through NBA XPLOR 2018-19, Tucson-Marana Residents: Emily Bray, Natalie Maxson, and Ethan Bradfiled share symbols that have taken on great importance for them during their XPLOR journey.
Halfway through NBA XPLOR 2018-19, Tucson-Marana Residents: Emily Bray, Natalie Maxson, and Ethan Bradfiled share symbols that have taken on great importance for them during their XPLOR journey.
Holiday greetings and updates from our 2018-19 NBA XPLOR Residents in Tucson-Marana, Arizona. Catch up on what Ethan Bradfield, Emily Bray, and Natalie Maxson have been up to!
The Tucson-Marana Residents share reflections of the time spent at their host site.