Rev. Donald Snyder, Pastor
512 Second Street
Brownsville, PA 15417
Mission & Ministry Grantee
First Christian Church, Brownsville

From its inception, First Christian Church, Brownsville has been affiliated with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). The denomination is located in the poorest county in Pennsylvania and therefore its ministry efforts strive to reveal Christ’s love to those in need in real and tangible ways.
Fall 2022 Mission & Ministry Grant
Youth Greenhouse Educational Center
This project is an expanded partnership with Team Humanity/Vital to provide space for an outdoor garden. Currently, youth in the community grow vegetables that are then sold to a local restaurant.
With the grant, First Christian Church will expand the program into a yearlong opportunity with the addition of a greenhouse. The new greenhouse will also allow the church to conduct educational gatherings on various aspects of gardening, basic horticulture, and entrepreneurship.
Mission Area: At-Risk Children and Youth
Grant Amount: $3,500