Rev. Yolonda Norton, Executive Director
505 Rathervue Pl
Austin, Texas 78705
Partner Directory
Global Arts and Theology Experience

The Global Art and Theology Experience is a new initiative focused on cultivating resources, programs, and pathways for Black girls and women. GATE develops practical and experiential curriculum centered on womanist thought and theology and constructs creative mechanisms for dissemination.
Currently, the primary project of GATE is the Beyoncé Mass—a Christian womanist worship service that uses the music and life of Beyoncé as a tool to cultivate an empowering conversation about Black women—their lives, their bodies, and their voices. The Beyoncé Mass is a space that encourages a practice of Christian faith that sees and acknowledges people where they are and for who they are. The mass is a space story, Scripture, and song that calls for the liberation of all people by creating welcome, fostering healing, and engaging contemporary conversation and culture as a part of Christian identity and praxis.
Fall 2021 Mission & Ministry Grant
Black Girl Magic Academy
The Black Girl Magic Academy is being developed as a global initiative aimed at educating girls aged 11-17 about Black women’s history and literature as well as womanist thought and womanist theology. This work will help participants think through a particular sociological and theological journey using artistic expression and worship. The concept behind the academy is to combat racism and patriarchy by informing and empowering a new generation of Black girls to understand themselves as more than an afterthought of creation.
This project is born out of Executive Director Rev. Yolanda Norton’s work with NBA’s Social Entrepreneurship Cohort.
Mission Area: At-Risk Children and Youth
Grant Amount: $5,000