2227 Pinecroft Rd
Greensboro, North Carolina, 27407
(336) 272-4463
Grantee Directory
Shalom Christian Church

S.M.A.R.T. Academic and Enrichment Program
Improving access and comprehension of educational materials for students with individual education plans.
At-Risk Children and Youth
Innovation Grant, $7,000
S.M.A.R.T. Academic and Enrichment Outreach Program
Shalom Community Christian Church is a congregation called, chosen, and committed to identifying the academic, physical, and spiritual needs within their community. Their S.M.A.R.T. Academic and Enrichment Outreach Program offers educational services to students in the greater Greensboro, North Carolina area. Specifically, local principals, administrators, and teachers developed their summer academic and enrichment program to assist students who are at least one grade level below where they should be as well as those with IEPs. This is their 9th year of operation and they have tangible, measurable, and irrefutable results to demonstrate the effectiveness of their program. They specifically focus on math, reading, and science and would like to do more with technology skills building since many of their campers are low-performing, low income, and/or homeless at-risk youth.
Shalom Community Christian Church has also been selected as one of two sites in North Carolina to partner with the Ray of Hope Feeding program as well as working directly with the Nutrition Department of Guilford County School System, which seeks to provide nutritional, afterschool meals and snacks for students up to the age of 18 years. As part of the growth of the S.M.A.R.T. outreach program, they are working with the Greensboro Housing Authority who have committed to offering academic enrichment skills to low income/homeless residents and families.
Mission Area: Intergenerational – At-Risk Children and Youth, Older Adults
Innovation Grant: US $10,000
S.M.A.R.T. Academic and Enrichment Outreach Program
The S.M.A.R.T. Academic and Enrichment Outreach Program offers educational services to students in the greater Greensboro, North Carolina area. Specifically, local principals, administrators, and teachers developed our summer academic and enrichment program to assist students who are at least one grade level below where they should be, as well as those with IEPs. This is our 8th year of operation and we have tangible, measurable results to demonstrate the effectiveness of our program. Moreover, our program is a Guilford County School certified camp which senior administrators have expressed a desire to replicate throughout the county. We specifically focus on math, reading, and science and would like to do more with technology, since many of our campers are low-performing, low income, and/or homeless. We have a strong relationship with principals, athletic directors, administrators, and teachers throughout greater Greensboro. They provide vital, timely, and meaningful feedback to ensure that we are meeting the needs of the students with the most relevant educational material. Moreover, our congregation, Shalom Community Christian Church, Inc, has been selected as one of two sites in North Carolina to partner with the Ray of Hope Feeding program. This afterschool program provides nutritious meals and snacks for students up to the age of 18. This program is designed to give children a boost by meeting their nutritional needs by promoting healthy eating behaviors.
This afterschool program provides educational or enrichment activities in an organized, structured, and supervised environment after the end of the school day. Qualified educational and enrichment activities include: arts and crafts, homework assistance, life skills, and remedial education. The meals provided are balanced, give students the nutrition they need to learn and grow, and meet the USDA’s nutrition standards. Lastly, we are partnering with Greensboro Housing Authority to serve students living in these respective communities (previously known as “projects”).
Mission Area: At-Risk Children and Youth
Catalyst Grant: US $3,000