Managerrie Winston, Executive Director
1601 Sunset Blvd
Houston, TX 77005
Social Entrepreneur Cohort
The Keep It Together Project

The KIT Project’s mission is to positively impact the Social Emotional health, well-being and development of underserved black & brown youth in a way that is culturally relevant to those in marginalized environments. Our vision—is to foster and ensure that underprivileged youth develop social-emotional wellness while aiding school communities with diverse curricula centered on Black and Brown experiences and resources to deal with mental wellness.
Within the educational system schools and communities are responsible for providing a continuum of services to students. This action creates a safe, stable, and welcoming learning environment for all, nourishing the education, growth, health and well-being of the whole child. To do this, school systems and communities must integrate SEL, including trauma-informed practices, into all aspects of teaching and learning in ways that are accessible, sustainable, evidence-based, culturally responsive, and equity literate. This creates the conditions where all youth can thrive and ensures that SEL approaches are not used to oppress marginalized social groups.
In addition to being a Mission & Ministry Grantee, founder and Executive Director of The KIT Project, Managerrie Winston, was part of NBA’s inaugural Social Entrepreneurship Cohort.
Fall 2021 Mission & Ministry Grants
The KIT Project “Be YourSELf”
The educational system is full of inequalities in reference to Black and Brown experiences, the system lacks diversity, and proper support for underserved at-risk youth to transition into living meaningful lives with the ability to break generational curses. The KIT Project vision is to effectively educate the “Whole Child,” we understand that education is not just about instruction, but “Full Personhood Development.” Within the KIT Project “Be YourSELf” we know that Black and Brown at-risk youth who have experienced poverty, racism, single and neglected parent homes, and hostile drug and gang-infested environments cope and look at the world differently than those who have not experienced this life. This project will foster and equip at-risk youth with the ability to live purposefully and handle stress effectively.
The KIT Project “Be YourSELf” aims to impact and foster positive youth growth by specifically focusing on the social-emotional learning (SEL), mental wellbeing, and development of at-risk youth of color ages 10-19.
Mission Area: At-Risk Children and Youth
Grant Amount: $4,000