Jaymes Sime, President and CEO
4545 Dodge Street
Omaha, Nebraska 68132
(402) 553-6000
Partner Directory
Child Saving Institute

Child Saving Institute provides a safe haven and healing for thousands of innocent young victims of family crisis, neglect and abuse. We offer the vital services necessary to make at-risk children safe and fractured families whole through programs such as early childhood education, foster care, adoption, an emergency shelter, parenting classes and therapy.
Our mission is “responding to the cry of a child,” but it is our vision that guides us as we work to give the children we serve safe, happy childhoods.
Our vision is that all children have homes where hope is kindled and dreams can be achieved.
This is our work, and they are ALL our children.
Independent Living Skills Program
Assisting young adults in all areas of basic and emotional needs to successfully transition from the child welfare system to positive adulthood.
Mission Category: At Risk Children and Youth
Innovation Grant: $7,500
2019-20 Mission & Ministry Grant
Lunch & Learns
Lunch & Learns provide a two-generational approach to educating high school aged parents and their infants to prevent abuse, increase healthy attachment and improve matriculation.
Mission Area: At-Risk Children and Youth
Catalyst Grant: $5,000
Independent Living Skills
The Independent Living Skills (ILS) program supports youth who are aging out of the child welfare system, providing individualized case management, education and support in preparing for independence. The Help Fund for Young Adults will provide a safety net for youth participating in the ILS program.
The ILS program provides educational, emotional and programmatic support to youth who are part of the foster care system but who are aging out, or who are soon to make this transition. ILS seeks to provide hope to youth and support a successful path into adulthood. They will provide skill and resource building, including educational assistance, job training and career planning, resume building, job application assistance, securing housing, creating a budget and money management, managing a home, and mentoring.
Mission Area: At-Risk Children and Youth
Catalyst Grant: US $4,000