Rev. Sally A. Robinson, Director
101 N 10th Street
Columbia, Missouri 65201
(573) 819-5043
Partner Directory
Columbia Area Older Adult Ministry

The Columbia Area Older Adult Ministry (CAOAM) provides spiritual and emotional support to the growing elderly population in long-term care and retirement communities in the Columbia, MO, area. Though this is an ecumenical ministry, it is recognized as a ministry of First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) of Columbia, MO. The ministry is supported by Disciples of Christ, Presbyterian, United Church of Christ, and ELCA Lutheran congregations in Columbia. There are also individual donors of many denominations.
Currently CAOAM provides spiritual support in seven long-term care and retirement communities on a regular schedule. The support includes the following:
- One-on-one visits
- Worship opportunities
- Bible study and devotions
- Emotional and spiritual support to residents and family members during crisis situations and end-of-life care
Programs are available to congregations and nonprofit organizations on topics related to aging, grief, caregivers, and other issues involving older people and their families.
Rev. Sally A. Robinson is the current chaplain. She is an ordained minister of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) with many years of experience working with older adults and their families. Rev. Robinson adheres to the Ministerial Code of Ethics of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and of the Association of Professional Chaplains.