Amy Rich, Co-Executive Director
100 Washington Ave
Evansville, Indiana 47713
(812) 424-2735
Partner Directory
Patchwork Central

Patchwork Central is a faith-based neighborhood outreach organization for the Evansville area neighborhoods, with a food pantry and many unique children’s programs. As part of the community fabric, Patchwork Central changes the lives of those it serves by giving them a sense of hope, a place of acceptance, and a bright outlook for the future.
The work of its health ministry, Sozo Health Ministry, exposes the limits of the healthcare that is available to impoverished people in the United States. Medications require extra levels of approval; specialists’ instructions are difficult to understand; clinics are located all across town; doctors’ orders are impossible to keep while living on the street. When individuals do not get the care they need, when they cannot get transportation to their clinics and pharmacies, when they are intimidated by the system, they live with their illnesses while their problems are compounded.