Partner Directory

Safe Haven Day Shelter

Contact Info

Joni Laurence, Co-Coordinator
6165 Leesburg Pike
Falls Church, Virginia 22044
(703) 532-8220

Visit Website

Safe Haven in Falls Church, VA, is a drop-in program working together with Northern Virginia Family Services to provide a welcoming environment for those experiencing homelessness and poverty. This program began as an outreach program at First Christian Church to an average of 15-20 individuals and has grown to a drop-in program serving more than 100 clients weekly, now an interfaith coalition of faith-based communities contributing hot meals and volunteers to the program.

Fairfax County provides medical assistance through a Homeless Healthcare Program, which brings an onsite nurse practitioner to advise clients on healthcare. There is also a social worker on-site sent by Northern Virginia Family Services, able to advise clients on housing and community opportunities through the Baileys Shelter. We also offer a clothing ministry, Bible Study, free haircuts, and hot breakfast and lunch. Our two part-time co-coordinators are funded by our partner, Northern Virginia Family Services. All other funding is through in-kind donations and fundraising in the church and community.

We are open on Thursdays year-round from 9am-3pm. To volunteer or contribute, please contact the Safe Haven staff at or call 703-532-8220.

View the Safe Haven brochure here!