Joy Sweeney, CEO
1405 Hathman Place
Columbia, Missouri 65201
(573) 875-6181
Partner Directory

Woodhaven – a caring team advocating for those with disabilities. Woodhaven is not an institution, we are a community. We are a team of real people, working together to help adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities succeed.
We’re passionate about our work. We are on a mission to change people’s lives by empowering them to find and achieve success on their own terms. Our work is not about doing things for the people we support, but about giving them the opportunity to do things for themselves, while maintaining a safe environment where they can thrive.
At Woodhaven, we offer three programs:
Community Living
At Woodhaven, home is not just a place to sleep at night. It is a refuge of comfort and a reflection of individuality. The adults we serve live in more than 40 traditional and accessible homes and apartments scattered across Mid-Missouri. Our Community Living program provides support and assistance so that individuals served can live independent fulfilling lives as active members of the community they love.
Community Connections
On weekdays from 9 am to 3 pm, we help adults with developmental disabilities who do not work during the day get involved with volunteering opportunities and activities throughout the community. They build their skills, access local events, and explore new places while developing relationships with their fellow community members. Through our Community Connections program, the adults we support aid Woodhaven in working towards dramatically changing the public perception of people with developmental disabilities.
Community Employment Services, which includes our EnCircle Technologies program
Our program is designed to meet the individual needs of each student. Curriculum and teaching-styles are adapted to help foster growth and ensure students walk away with the skills they need to work in the tech industry. Programs are designed to help meet the career goals of our students and the needs of our employer partners. Students get hands-on training and work on real-world projects to enhance their skills.
To learn more, visit You can also find Woodhaven on YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter!
2020-21 Mission & Ministry Grant
Virtual Reality to Enhance Quality of Life
Utilizing virtual reality technology to assist neuro-diverse teens to regulate anxiety and learn safety and social skills.
At-Risk Children and Youth and Older Adults
Innovation Grant, $10,000
2019-20 Mission & Ministry Grant
Micro Enterprise Program Development for EnCircle Technologies
This project involves developing a sustainable micro-enterprise to align with the employment service goals of Woodhaven. Through their EnCircle Technologies program, which trains young adults with autism or other barriers in technology jobs, they hope to increase opportunities for these individuals to become self-sufficient.
Mission Area: At-Risk Children and Youth
Catalyst Grant: $5,000