An Active Summer for InsideOut Art

UrbanMission Community Partners’ InsideOut Artprogram, part of UMCP’s Restorative Justice Initiatives, has had an active summer of art exhibits and sacred conversations around incarceration, creativity, and healing.
The annual summertime InsideOut Art Show, curated for the first time this year by the Rev. Dr. Eleanor Scott Meyers and other Pilgrim Place artists in collaboration with UMCP, was held at a popular used bookstore/gallery in downtown Claremont, California. It drew more than 350 attendees across June and July to view “Making Amends,” more than 60 art works by 40+ currently and previously incarcerated artists at two of California’s 35 state prisons (i.e., California Institution for Men and Chuckawalla Valley State Prison).
Additional art works went on loan to the new John Irwin Memorial House of Project Rebound/California State University, Fullerton, the first college housing initiative for previously incarcerated students in the nation. Also, another special exhibit was shared at Claremont United Church of Christ, a local UMCP partner church.
In new and expanded activities, 36 artists incarcerated at High Desert State Prison (north of Reno, Nevada) donated 42 art pieces to InsideOut Art. Rev. Nora Jacob, UMCP’s Restorative Justice Director, met with most of those artists during an initial visit, generously underwritten by Lafayette Christian Church (DOC), in early July. Further collaboration is being explored.
Funds raised from these art exhibits and donations buy supplies for prison art programs, underwrite survivors’ support activities, and pay for UMCP facilitation of prison-based restorative justice work.
For more about InsideOut Art, see For information about UrbanMission Community Partners, please contact Rev. Al Lopez, President and CEO, at
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